An Interview with Trish Booth - Trish's Hair Chair
Let's Talk to Trish Booth ______________________________________ Facebook: 563 rte 106 N. Loudon, New Hampshire Call (603) 496-7502 ________________________________________________ At the Brookside Mall is Trish's Hair Chair: Color Correction and Designer Cuts, @T.Booth Creations 563 Rte. 106 N., Loudon, N.H. We asked Trish a few questions about her company. Editor: When did you start the business? Trish: 1997 Ed: How did you get into hair design? Trish: I couldn't afford art school, so I thought I would express my (artful self) this way Ed:Do customers ask for custom hair design or do they ask you to give them a "different look" and, if so, how do you approach the request? Trish: Clients ask for a new look, or a good cut. They never use the words custom design. Actually, I'm the one who explains to them that each cut is a custom design, and I explain how I can, and will...